Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Una especie de convergencia

El final de Pulp, la última novela de Bukowski:

"Then, as I watched, the Sparrow slowly opened its beak. A huge void appeared. And within the beak was a vast yellow vortex, more dynamic than the sun, unbelievable.
This isn't the way it happens, I thought again.
The beak opened wide, the Sparrow's head moved closer and the blaze and the blare of yellow swept over and enveloped me".

A partir de The Café Singer (1878, Degas) Adam Golaski escribió un texto que apareció en el McSweeney's Quarterly Concern #19. Este es el final:

"She looked down and smiled through her song. She raised her hand and opened her mouth wide for a long note and from her mouth emerged --as from a hole in a tree-- a bird. The bird, red, wet from the woman's throat, pushed itself from the woman's mouth and flew up, hovered above the woman's head, flew away".

1 comment:

Olga Fabila said...

El fin de semana me acordé de usted y sus convergencias.
Se me ocurrió una, la escena de la fuente en la dolce vita con Marcelo y Anita y el final de escuela de Vagabundos con Pedro Infante y Miroslava, cuando él la deja caer en la fuente de la entrada de la casa para despertarla.
Fuentes, mujeres hermosas que se mojan en su agua y galanes inolvidables.